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中国动力工程学会是全国动力工程科技工作者的学术性群众团体,是中国科学技术协会的组成部分,它的前身是1962年成立的中国机械工程学会透平与锅炉学 会,1979年更名为中国机械工程学会动力工程学会。根据我国动力工程学科发展需要和广大动力工程科技工作者的要求,1988年12月经国家科委批准成为 国家一级学会——中国动力工程学会,1992年8月加入中国科协。
      本会是以发电热动力机械设备的研究、设计、制造为中心的多专业的综合性学会。它设有透平、锅炉、水轮机、核电、热力、工业煤气、自控、材料、环保技术与装 备、新能源设备、工业气体等11个专业委员会以及学术、组织、国际合作、编辑出版、咨询与展览等5个工作委员会。

With over 16 years of history, HKWMA is the premier organization representing professionals in Hong Kong’s waste management and environmental industries. Within some 200 individual and organizational members, we are represented by some of the best professionals in the local arena, as well as active players internationally. HKWMA also keeps close contacts with our counterparts such as the Chinese Association of Urban and Environmental Sanitation (CAUES) in China and other professional bodies in Macau and Taiwan.

WMRAS is committed to the following objectives for which it was constituted:
To enhance professionalism and capabilities of members by promoting commerce and trade; striving to achieve and maintain the highest standards of excellence for practice, competence and conduct in waste management and recycling industry.
To provide a platform for the members to come together to identify and address the environmental concerns and issues in the waste management and recycling industry.
To promote waste reduction, recycling and reuse and recovery; and create public awareness on the waste management and recycling industry as well as environmental and industry concerns.
To foster information exchange, networking and closer relationship among the members and between government, industry and people.
To provide professional development and upgrading opportunities for the members by organizing industry and/or technology updates conferences, business mission trips, training workshops as well as through other forms of media such as newsletters, exhibitions etc.
To advance the scientific, technical and practical aspects of waste management and recycling.
To liaise and establish affiliations with local, national, and international organizations with similar purposes and concerns.

A growing set of environmental and market demands is emerging, which will require cultural and structural change within the people of the waste management industry, if the industry is to respond, to meet those demands, and to survive into the next decade. 

The environmental and market demands arise from a global need for improvements in the efficiency of operations, in the economics of wealth creation activities, in the utilisation of resources and in the management of the environment. 

The customers of the waste management industry are responding to internal and external pressures from their shareholders, the community, their customers and the regulators, to improve their overall performance. 

These performance improvements will be measured in terms of the eco-efficiency of their operations - and the performance of our will industry will be measured in terms of the eco-efficiency of the solutions that our Members are responsible for developing. 

To be effective in this challenge, the waste management industry must become pro-active in developing solutions within the operations of our customers. It will no longer be good enough to sit and wait to collect wastes and emissions at the end of the pipe.

The challenge for our Members is to create value-added goods out of the by-products of the waste generators and deliver multiple economic and environmental benefits in the process. 

The waste management industry is being presented with a unique opportunity where the demand for integrated resource management services, is emerging and expected to grow rapidly, but where the supply of the requisite capabilities is lagging behind that demand. 

The gap being created, through this imbalance between supply and demand, can only be capitalised upon if the waste management industry undertakes the necessary structural and cultural changes. 

The WMAA has a pivotal role in fostering appropriate changes within the skill-set and cultures of its Members, to enable the industry to respond to the challenges and grasp the opportunity in advance of the gap being closed.


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